Tucker Carlson's dangerous platform: Holocaust revisionism on X

The intersection of the American far right with Holocaust revisionism is not new.

Photo: AP

In a recent episode on his X platform show, Tucker Carlson provided a platform for Darryl Cooper, a self-proclaimed historian, to spread Holocaust-revisionist views. Cooper's claims, including portraying Winston Churchill as the "chief villain" of World War II and downplaying the atrocities of Nazi concentration camps, echo dangerous historical falsifications and outright Nazi apologia.   

While Cooper may not be a recognized historian, he enjoys significant popularity within a certain crowd, including Elon Musk and several prominent right-wing figures. This highlights the growing acceptance of pseudo-history and its potential to influence mainstream political discourse.

The intersection of the American far right with Holocaust revisionism is not new, but social media and online platforms have amplified its reach and impact. Misinformation and sensationalism thrive in these spaces, making it challenging for actual historians to combat false narratives.

The episode's alarming content sparked widespread condemnation, with observers pointing out the similarities between Cooper's views and those of Pat Buchanan, a conservative figure who has repeatedly flirted with Holocaust revisionism.

The incident underscores the urgency for historians to engage the public and challenge the spread of pseudo-history. Platforms like TikTok, while offering a democratized space for knowledge sharing, also amplify misinformation.   

Combating online falsehoods requires historians to step outside their academic bubbles and actively participate in public discourse. Reestablishing the importance of rigorous scholarship and critical thinking in American education is crucial in the fight against historical revisionism and the dangerous narratives it perpetuates.


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