Police make headway in Javed Butt murder case

Rickshaw, motorcycle involved in targeted killing identified



Police claimed to have made significant strides in the investigation into the murder of Javed Butt, brother-in-law of Teefi Butt.

Authorities also claimed that the rickshaw and motorcycle used in the targeted killing have been identified.

The attack involved four shooters, who used the rickshaw and motorcycle to carry out the crime. The rickshaw was seen parked outside Javed Butt's residence in Huma Block.

As Javed Butt left with his wife, the rickshaw followed them closely, and the motorcycle approached their vehicle near the FC Underpass, where the shooters opened fire.

After the attack, the gunman fled on the motorcycle, while another shooter escaped in the rickshaw.

CCTV footage from the incident has provided crucial information, including the rickshaw's ownership and the shooters' movements.

The police are utilizing geo-fencing technology and have shortlisted over 3,000 phone numbers and 60 motorcycles to aid in tracing the suspects. The last known location of the assailants was on Temple Road.

Javed Butt was murdered on September 2 near Muslim Town Underpass. Although some Safe City cameras at the crime scene were faulty, investigators have gathered multiple CCTV recordings from nearby areas and are continuing their efforts to identify and apprehend the perpetrators.

The nominated suspects, Amir Fatah and Qaiser Butt, have issued video statements denying any involvement in Javed Butt's murder.

They claim they were falsely implicated by Teefi Butt in an attempt to obstruct the Amir Balaj case.

Authorities have stated that the investigation is ongoing and that efforts are being made to apprehend the suspects.

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