Post-mortem declared a must in suicide cases

Condition enforced after families demand exhumation



The post-mortem of all people who die under mysterious circumstances or commit suicide has been made mandatory.

City Police Officer Sadiq Ali Dogar issued directions in this regard to all SPs, DSPs and SHOs through a letter, warning that action would be taken against officers who would violate the order.

According to sources, the decision was taken after demands from families for exhumation and post-mortem of their loved ones came to light. It was decided to make the post-mortem mandatory for people who die under mysterious conditions.

The purpose of making the post-mortem mandatory is to determine the cause of death in such cases.

The sources said that in several cases the people who had apparently committed suicide had been buried without autopsy, but the heirs had later demanded their post-mortem.

Police and medical experts said the post-mortem performed after exhumation did not provide the required evidence and samples, which weakened the cases and medical report.

The city police officer has issued the letter to all police officers in the district regarding the matter.

The sources said the SHOs failing to implement the order would be face termination of job and the relevant SPs and DSPs would be suspended.

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