Israel's Jewish extremist settlers rapidly seizing Palestinian land in occupied West Bank

Recent BBC analysis reveals number of settler outposts have surged with at least 196 now in existence


The number of outposts set up illegally by Israeli Jewish extremists in the West Bank are rapidly on the rise.

Recent BBC analysis reveals that the number of these settler outposts has surged, with at least 196 now in existence, with 29 of these established in 2023 alone.

These outposts, often illegal under both Israeli and international law, are reportedly supported by organisations with ties to the Israeli government.

The surge in outposts has been accompanied by escalating violence and harassment against Palestinian communities, with experts noting that such outposts are more effective at seizing land and causing tensions than official settlements.

Despite the outposts' illegal status, there is little evidence that the Israeli government is actively preventing their expansion.

Settlers, including those like Moshe Sharvit, who has been linked to harassment and violence, have increasingly used these outposts to assert control over large areas of land, contributing to escalating tensions and violence in the region.


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