Officials' social media activity restricted

New directive aims to preserve govt's integrity



The government has issued a sweeping directive prohibiting civil servants from commenting on media and social media platforms without prior authorisation.

The move aims to safeguard the government's reputation and maintain the integrity of its operations.

In a memorandum issued by the Establishment Division, civil servants have been explicitly barred from speaking on any media platform or sharing official documents and information with unauthorised individuals, citizens, or the press.

The directive stresses that civil servants must refrain from expressing opinions or facts that could potentially harm the government's credibility.

The memorandum outlines that civil servants are not permitted to comment on governmental policies, decisions, or matters concerning the country's sovereignty, honour, and dignity.

Moreover, they are prohibited from making statements that could negatively impact relations with other countries or participating in social media debates while maintaining their neutrality.

The directive mandates that all civil servants adhere strictly to these instructions, with potential misconduct proceedings for any violations.

Government agencies are tasked with continuously monitoring their social media platforms to remove any objectionable content.

All federal secretaries, additional secretaries, department heads, and chief secretaries are required to ensure compliance with these guidelines.

The government clarified that the intent of these instructions is not to restrict the positive use of social media but to ensure its appropriate use in a manner consistent with government policies.

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