Five scholarships for Afghan students at PU

‘Afghan academics’ visit to promote cooperation between universities’.


“Policies of great powers are not controlled by peoples of the countries they represent but by a highly powerful cabal of rich families.

These families have divided mankind through deception and now want a war on the basis of a contrived terrorism-versus-civilisation conflict,” PU Vice Chancellor Prof Mujahid Kamran said on Friday while addressing an eight-member media delegation from Afghanistan. These same families had funded the Bolshevik Revolution and Hitler and have, subsequent to World War II duped mankind into a communism-versus-democracy conflict, the VC continued. He said that the hearts of the Pakistani nation beat in unison with the Afghans. The meeting aimed at promoting cooperation for education between the two countries. Prof Kamran announced five scholarships for Afghan students at the PU. Members of the delegation were Sardar Muhammad Rahimi, Fazal Elahi Shafiqi, Naseem Pashtoom, Muhammad Reza Hawrda, Ghulam Jilani Zwak, Noor Rehman Ikhaliqi, Fazal Rahman Mazhary and Saqib Ahmad.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 10th, 2011.
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