Security for matches disrupts daily life

One-km radius surrounding Pindi stadium sealed off with barbed wires


The heightened security measures around the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium for the cricket matches between Pakistan and Bangladesh have severely disrupted the daily lives of residents in the vicinity.

A one-kilometre radius surrounding the stadium has been completely sealed off with barbed wires.

This extensive security cordon has also enveloped Allama Iqbal Park, Rawalpindi's largest recreational area, which lies adjacent to the stadium. Consequently, access to the park is restricted to employees only, and the public, including families, is barred from entry during the matches and practice sessions.

In addition to the park, normal traffic and pedestrian movement on Shamsabad Double Park Road have been prohibited, and neighboring streets have similarly been closed off. These measures have led to significant travel disruptions for millions of residents in the area, compelling them to undertake lengthy journeys to reach their offices, shops, and schools in both Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Previously, the police and district administration had implemented security measures by sealing off the food market and bazaar near the cricket stadium. The Shamsabad Metro Bus Station was also closed as part of the security arrangements. More recently, access to other significant locations, including the city's largest amusement park, Sahulat Bazaar, and the Rawalpindi Arts Council, has been restricted.

Twelve-foot-high screens have been erected around the entire security perimeter, replacing the earlier barbed wire installations. A substantial deployment of police and other law enforcement personnel has been observed in the area.

Residents of the affected neighbourhoods—Dhok Khullo, Christian Kachi Abadi, and Long Park Road—have expressed their grievances through protests against road closures.

The closures have also impacted local educational institutions. Five private schools located on Shamsabad Double Road have been forced to shut down temporarily. The main gates of shops, plazas, and residences opening onto the double road have been locked, and all access roads to the double road have been sealed. The alternative route via Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed Road has also been completely shut off.

Employees and officials heading to the Rawalpindi Arts Council are allowed entry only upon presentation of their office and identity cards.

In response to the situation, residents have suggested that while it may be necessary to maintain stringent security on the cricket stadium side of the double road, the other side should remain open under tight security. This adjustment could help minimise disruptions to the daily lives of the millions affected, ensuring continued access to schools and offices.

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