IWMB’s transfer to ministry raises alarm

Experts demand investigation into the interests behind this move


Environmentalists, conservation groups and concerned citizens have expressed grave concerns following the Prime Minister of Pakistan’s directive to transfer the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) to the Ministry of Interior.

The IWMB, which is currently responsible for the protection and management of the Margalla Hills National Park (MHNP), plays a crucial role in safeguarding the biodiversity of this vital ecological area. Citizens have termed this move as a malafide decision and a significant threat to the biodiversity of the MHNP.

Speakers at a webinar organised by Devcom-Pakistan highlighted that the park, home to numerous species of flora and fauna, is already under pressure from urban encroachment and illegal activities. The IWMB has been at the forefront of efforts to conserve the park’s unique ecosystem under the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination. Its transfer to the Interior Ministry, which primarily focuses on law and order rather than environmental conservation, is seen as a dangerous shift in priorities.

The citizens have also demanded transparency in the decision-making process and a thorough investigation into the interests behind this move. They have vowed to continue advocating for the preservation of the Margalla Hills National Park and will seek legal avenues to challenge any actions that threaten its integrity. The citizens urge all Pakistanis to join hands in safeguarding the country’s natural heritage and to stand against decisions that compromise the future of our environment.

Environmentalist Aneela Khan said: Transferring the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board to the Ministry of Interior is a severe blow to the ongoing conservation efforts in the Margalla Hills National Park. This decision appears to be driven by vested interests that seek to exploit the park’s resources rather than protect them.

Salman Khan, a member of the Friends of Margalla Hills Park, said: The transfer of the IWMB has sparked fears that the focus on biodiversity conservation will be diminished, leading to increased threats from illegal construction, deforestation, and habitat destruction in the Margalla Hills National Park. The citizens’ group has called for the immediate reversal of this decision and urged the government to prioritize the protection of the park’s fragile ecosystem.


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