Rod Stewart reflects on his final years: 'I’ve got no fear'

"I am going to be enjoying myself for these last few years as much as I can," says the 79-year-old rocker.

Courtesy: AFP

Rod Stewart, the 79-year-old rock legend, has opened up about his plans for the final years of his life in a candid interview with the Sun. 

Stewart, who is embarking on his final run of his Las Vegas residency after 13 years, expressed his intention to continue his partying ways. 

“I’m aware my days are numbered but I’ve got no fear,” he said. “We have all got to pass on at some point, so we are all in the same basket. I am going to be enjoying myself for these last few years as much as I can. I say few — probably another 15. I can do that easy mate, easy.”

While he acknowledges that he can't party like he did in the '70s and '80s, Stewart still makes sure to have a good time. 

“Nowadays I have to protect my voice before and after every show. The older you get, the more you have to do that. Water has a hell of a lot to do with it,” he explained. 

However, he quickly added, “But no, you think I just have water on my rider? You’re talking to Rod Stewart here, mate. We go mad after every show. There are 13 of us, six women, really great musicians and I make them drink. We absolutely love it.”

Detailing his drinking habits, Stewart shared, “Before the show I have a quick Bacardi which I am trying to convince myself is good for my voice. After a show we all get stuck into the martinis. Most bands all go home and go to bed but we don’t. We have a big old party.” 

Despite his love for a good time, Stewart, who has survived both prostate and thyroid cancer, is more aware of his health now. 

“You should be when you start getting on a bit. It’s very important,” he said. “I am a bit of a hypochondriac. I think men in particular should take advantage of all the wonderful medical science out there."

Stewart also shared that he plans to have his blood cleaned for a health boost. “When I come back to the UK I am going to have my blood cleaned as I’ve been told it is a real boost to the system.” 

He also denied taking any pills, explaining, “No nothing. You’ve got to remember I’ve been doing this all my life — I don’t suffer after a show. Sometimes I take an anti-inflammatory if my knee is playing up but very rarely. I don’t need pills.”

Maintaining his fitness, Stewart revealed, “I keep myself very, very fit. I have had the same trainer for 31 years. We work out three or four times a week.”

Following his interview, Stewart’s wife of over 15 years, Penny Lancaster, shared a heartfelt message on Instagram. 

“After a couple of crazy days and nights in central London, there’s nothing I like more than getting back out to the country and laying out on the cool grass on an early summers evening,” she wrote. 

“Breathing in fresh air and the smell of the earth beneath me. Listening to the birds and watching the butterflies, dance about while being chased by my two devoted doggies. I’m at peace, I’m home.”

Stewart and Lancaster, married since 2007, recently enjoyed a trip to Sardinia, where they were seen on a luxury yacht with six of Stewart’s eight children.

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