DCs to monitor socio-economic data

CM Maryam urges officials to facilitate applicants


Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has issued directions to the commissioners and deputy commissioners regarding the Socio-Economic Registry Project.

During a video link meeting, she assigned the monitoring task regarding the project to the deputy commissioners. Under the Socio-Economic Registry Project, the financial status of every family will be registered across the province.

People of the province can get themselves registered through a portal or helpline. Livestock will also be included in the registration process.

In addition, 5,000 registration centres have been established for the socio-economic registry across the province.

The people getting themselves registered in the registry will be eligible for social protection schemes like the distribution of e-bikes, Roshan Gharana Solar Programme, Himmat Card, Kissan Card, Health Card, Livestock Card and Scholarship Programme.

The chief minister said having authentic data would enable the authorities to provide the due assistance to the deserving people.

“We have simplified the registration process in the Socio-Economic Registry Project. This project will enable the government to timely solve problems of the people," she said. CM Maryam Nawaz directed the authorities concerned to facilitate the people at the registration centres.

Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Azma Zahid Bokhari and other relevant officers were also present on the occasion.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz stated in in her message on the World Hepatitis Day, “An environment free from contamination and provision of clean drinking water saves many from multiple diseases. The number of hepatitis B and C patients is increasing rapidly and we need to undertake collective efforts along with preventive measures for their complete eradication."

She said, "Prevention of hepatitis becomes easier by adopting preventive measures, while its treatment is prolonged and difficult. Hepatitis is a silent killer and is adversely affecting the lives of a large number of people. Further awareness and information regarding hepatitis is needed.”

The CM said, "Vaccination facility for the prevention of hepatitis along with free tests is available in all the hospitals across Punjab."

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