Govt blows hot and cold on talks with PTI

In a series of statements, PML-N ministers reveal a 'confused' strategy of govt in dealing with main political rival



In a series of statements, the PML-N ministers revealed on Saturday a seemingly confused strategy of the government in dealing with the main political rival, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), as they simultaneously offered talks and lashed out at PTI and its leadership.

Recently, Federal Minister for Information & Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar had announced that the government will impose a ban on PTI and initiate high treason proceedings against its leadership for "unconstitutionally" dissolving the National Assembly during a no-confidence motion back in April 2022.

The information minister's statement had come after the Supreme Court's July 12 judgment through which it declared PTI as a parliamentary party and made it eligible for getting reserved seats in the national and provincial assemblies.

Just days after the government spokesperson's statement signaling a hardline stance, Federal Minister for Petroleum Musadiq Malik extended on Saturday an olive branch by offering talks to PTI in a press conference.

Adding to the confusion, Minister for Kashmir Affairs and SAFRON Amir Muqam accused PTI of advancing a foreign agenda while PML-N Senator Irfan Siddiqui called on PTI founding chairman Imran Khan to confess to his alleged crimes instead of deflecting blame on others.

Still, it didn't end here as Malik, who was critical of PTI and its leadership in his press conference, rebutted claims that he offered talks to the party in a talk show later on Saturday evening. The critics noted that contradictory approach raises questions about the government's coherent strategy in dealing with PTI as, currently, it seems to be resorting to a carrot-and-stick approach.

In his press conference, Malik while raising the question why PTI didn't form the government in the center after February 8 general elections when PML-N and PPPP asked it to do answered himself that the purpose wasn't to solve the issues but to deteriorate them further. "The purpose was to create chaos," he said, urging "don't do it." He then said: "We ask you again to come and talk."

Nevertheless, it was later on reported that Malik refuted the statement that he has offered talks to PTI. Referring to the press conference, he said that he hasn't said anywhere that the government has offered talks to PTI, saying plenty of talk offers have already been given to PTI in the past.

Meanwhile, in a statement, Muqam alleged that PTI has been working on foreign agenda and the presentation of bill in the US Senate against Pakistan and China has made it quite clear. "After the US resolution in favor of PTI, the bill presented in the U.S. Senate against Pakistan and China is a message for those who can see the bigger picture," Muqam said. "It has been proven that PTI is working for a foreign agenda," he said.

Muqam said that the "PTI is working for lobbies in Pakistan and those lobbies are working for the party abroad." Why was there a sit-in conspiracy at D-Chowk during the Chinese President's visit to Pakistan, he questioned before saying that the answer is clear now. In addition, he said "the reason why PTI received foreign funding is also clear now."

Before that, PML-N senior leader Senator Irfan Siddiqui dared PTI chief Imran Khan to speak the truth and confess his alleged crimes, including conspiracy to overthrow the army chief through mutiny.

"Admit pitting the PTI against the army, attacked Rawalpindi to stop appointment of General Asim Munir and conspired for a military rebellion to overthrow the army chief on May 9," Senator Siddiqui asked PTI chief to confess the same in a statement. Commenting on PTI chief's pleadings to the army chief, the Senator asked him "to be a man and show some courage and admit all your deeds."

Addressing Khan, senator Siddiqui said "speak the complete truth if you've lost your nerve and can no longer bear the burden of hiding it." Sidduqi said that Khan must admit that he was behind the May 9 riots and had orchestrated attacks on more than 200 military installations, including martyrs memorials.

He said that Khan should admit that "burning of air force plans, mocking the martyrs in helicopter crash, inciting abuse against the army chief on social media, running advertisement campaign on intercity buses abroad against the military and its chief, making videos portraying General Munir as the Yahya Khan of this era, and writing articles against the military and the chief from jail." The senator asked Khan to admit his crimes instead of shifting blames on others..

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