Podcaster Zach Justice alleged groomed Indiana

Film Cooper, a YouTuber, has accused Zach Justice of grooming, citing five warning signs of grooming.

Photo: Instagram

Film Cooper, a YouTuber, has released a video discussing allegations of grooming against Zach Justice. Cooper shares his perspective on the situation, citing evidence and five warning signs of grooming according to RAINN.

Cooper starts by listing the five warning signs of grooming, which include isolating the victim, isolating the victim from friends and family, using gifts or favors to gain trust, making the victim feel guilty or ashamed, and displaying a lack of boundaries.

Cooper then discusses Zach Justice's relationship with Indiana, who was 14 years old when they first met. Justice allegedly lived in Indiana's house when he was 20 years old and later dated her when she became an adult. Cooper argues that this behavior displays two of the warning signs of grooming.

The video also includes a clip from Indiana's TikTok, where she says she hired Zach Justice to edit videos when she was 17 years old. Cooper argues that this is another example of Justice displaying a lack of boundaries.

Cooper also shares a clip where Zach Justice allegedly makes a dark joke referencing Tara Yummy looking like a little kid. Cooper argues that this joke is another example of Justice displaying a lack of boundaries and a disturbing attitude towards children.

Despite Indiana's denial that she was groomed by Zach Justice, Cooper believes that she may be emotionally manipulated and doesn't view herself as a victim. The video ends with Cooper showing a clip where Zach Justice seems to be contradicting himself about the nature of his relationship with Indiana.



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