Int’l moot calls for sustainable practices in forestry

Scholars highlight need for improved research

Swab district agriculture PHOTO: KP-Boit


The first International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry Strategy in the Context of Climate Change was successfully organised by the University of Haripur (UoH).

The UoH and the Forest Services Academy, Murree, jointly hosted the first international conference on this important topic at Ghoragali, Murree.

The event was inaugurated by Vice Chancellor Dr Shafiqur Rehman, who was the chief guest. Its opening ceremony included the remarks of the Vice Chancellor, and the chief organiser, Dr Abid Farid.

The conference was attended by eminent scholars from China and Italy.

On the first day, Director Dr Iftikhar Farooqui and Forest Services Academy, Murree, Principal, Babar Suhail shared their respective views on the topic of sustainable agriculture and forestry on the first day.

The event brought together experts, policy makers, stakeholders, government departments and civil society from around the world. It provided an important platform to explore research methods and solutions to challenges faced in agriculture and forestry because of the climate crisis.

As per its agenda, the discussions at the conference focused on climate smart agriculture practices, agroforestry, sustainable land management and the need for effective policies and governance.

Participants vocalised their expertise and shared the best practices for building resilience, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring food and environmental security for future generations. Along with climate change, the importance of concerted efforts to develop climate resilient systems was also highlighted.

The event concluded with a discussion led by Dr Anwarul Hussain. After which the Advisor to HEC, Dr Abid Farid expressed his thanks and emphasised the importance of sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.


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