CDA tree plantation

The Capital Development Authority’s initiative to plant one million trees on the Margalla Hills is a commendable effort in promoting environmental conservation and combating the challenges posed by climate change. The launch of the tree plantation drive demonstrates a strong commitment to safeguarding the natural beauty and ecological balance of Islamabad and its surroundings. Coupled with various corporate sector and civil society organisations’ pledges to plant some four million trees on and around the Margalla Hills, Islamabad could see a massive green renewal in the coming years.

However, it is important for the CDA to learn from the mistakes made during the Billion Tree Tsunami and other plantation initiatives undertaken by the PTI government which, though well-intentioned, were poorly thought through, resulting in waste and mismanagement, and even corruption investigations ordered by the PTI’s own government. It is also worth noting that despite the notable flaws in planning and execution, the plantation projects were still remarkably successful, and the end results have earned worthy praise at home and abroad.

Public support will also be important to ensure success — past plantation campaigns did noticeably better in areas where there was higher public participation and enthusiasm. Caution also needs to be taken regarding the use of pesticides — increasing green cover while endangering biodiversity is counterproductive. Unfortunately, we have seen plantation campaigns where managers were focused only on increasing tree survival rates and drowned the areas in herbicides and pesticides, which ended up being severely detrimental to local fauna.

It is a good sign that the CDA and federal officials have already claimed to recognise the need for coordinated efforts and active participation of all segments of society for success. Local and international collaboration is also the only way to mitigate worsening climate change impacts. The tree plantation drive on Margalla Hills is a step in the right direction and, if done right, could provide the model for a greener and more resilient future.

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