Matiari village women get kits to support livelihood

Project aims to help women generate incomes via poultry, livestock rearing, food preservation

Rural women in suburbs of Hyderabad. Photo: Express


In a significant move to combat rural poverty and enhance the livelihoods of rural women, the Sindh Community Foundation (SCF) has distributed initial material kits to 100 women from 15 villages in the district of Matairi.

This initiative, part of SCF's program on decent work and climate adaptation for women agricultural workers, aims to empower women to start home-based income generation activities, primarily in poultry rearing, livestock management, and food preservation. The program is supported by Asian Venture Philanthropy Network -AVPN.

Before distributing the seed material, SCF conducted a thorough needs assessment to identify the women's motivations and interests in starting small-scale income generation activities. Following this, the women received training to ensure they were well-prepared to manage their new ventures. Of the 100 women, 40 received poultry rearing kits, 20 were provided with livestock management, and 40 were given food preservation kits.

Speaking at one of the five distribution ceremonies, Javed Hussain, Executive Director of the Sindh Community Foundation, highlighted the growing rural poverty and the critical need for diversified income sources beyond the cotton-picking season, which lasts only five months. "Rural poverty is increasing day by day. The cotton-picking season is the cash crop for rural people, mainly women. But after the season ends, their livelihoods become scarce, and their food security and income needs remain unfulfilled. By addressing both food security and off-season poverty, these initiatives will equip them with sustainable livelihood support," said Mr. Hussain. He said that this initiative underscores SCF's commitment to enhancing the economic resilience of rural women, ensuring they have the means to support their families year-round and improve their quality of life.

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