Tourists face overcharging at recreational spots


Governments worldwide strive to provide facilities for tourists, but those visiting Abbottabad’s famous spots face several challenges, including overcharging.

Neelum Bridge, located in Kohala Bakot, around 20 miles away from Abbottabad, attracts tourists from across Pakistan and abroad. However, local residents have made the lives of tourists miserable. From the main highway to the Neelum River, locals illegally demand parking fees and verbally abuse those who refuse to pay. Tourists are often forced to buy overpriced and substandard food.

Local residents claim they pay monthly rent to government officials and possess permits. Citizens Aftab Khan, Chaudhry Amir, and Sajid Gujjar highlighted the lack of safety measures around Neeluam River and Kohla Bridge, making it difficult for tourists to enjoy the area without hassle.

Despite private picnic spots operating dangerously with cots placed in hazardous locations, local businessmen claim they have permits but face no regulation.

Rescue 1122 coordinator emphasised the need for action against those endangering lives and suggested that the Abbottabad deputy commissioner could order the removal of cots. The deputy commissioner has already ordered the closure of several dangerous zip lines, cable chair lifts, and swimming pools due to the rainy season.

Bakot police station’s SHO admitted receiving daily complaints about local business owners mistreating and overcharging tourists, despite numerous warnings. A police team has been deployed near Kohala Bridge to assist tourists in emergencies, he added.

A few months ago, Advisor to the CM on tourism Zahid Chanzeb said he would not tolerate the imposition of fines on tourists as they people come here to enjoy nature.

The advisor said that they would set up the 1915 helpline for visitors to tourist destinations soon.

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