K-P Assembly demands release of Imran

Resolution also opposes Operation Azme Istehkam, appointment of ad hoc judges


The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Assembly on Friday passed various resolutions, including one demanding the release of former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan, and another opposing a proposed ban on the PTI and Operation Azme Istehkam, the appointment of ad hoc judges to the Supreme Court and the Election Commission of Pakistan.

During the Assembly session held under the chairmanship of Speaker Babar Saleem Swati, a resolution was presented by Law Minister Aftab Alam regarding the release of former PTI chairman Imran Khan.

The resolution stated that the United Nations General Assembly’s (UNGA) Human Rights Committee had submitted a report on the former PTI chief which said that the cases against him and his companions were in violation of laws.

It further stated that Imran Khan was 71 years old and had been sentenced to around 60 years in prison.

The resolution further demanded that the United Nations report be implemented and Imran Khan be released.

It passed with a majority vote.

Provincial Law Minister Aftab Alam later also presented a resolution regarding the possible ban on the PTI which stated that the recent Supreme Court decision had made clear that the PTI was the largest political party in the country and should thus be awarded reserved seats based on its size.

It further stated that, despite the Supreme Court’s decision, the federal cabinet was still considering imposing a ban on the PTI and that, if a ban were imposed, it would be a violation of Article 17 of the Constitution. The PTI, it said, stood with the Constitution and, in the event of a ban, would challenge the decision in court and at the public level.

The Law Minister also presented a resolution regarding the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), saying that the ECP had failed to hold transparent elections and had therefore lost its credibility.

The minister alleged that the Election Commission had supported the caretaker government, which had stayed in power for longer than its mandated term, which was a violation of the Constitution.

The minister further alleged that the Election Commission had worked against the PTI in the 2024 elections and that there were discrepancies in the votes cast on Forms 45 and 47 as per reports of both FAFEN and PILDAT.

The minister also demanded that the Election Commission members resign by July 20 failing which the Supreme Court would be approached to take action against them.

The minister also presented a resolution against the appointment of ad hoc judges to the Supreme Court and against Operation Azme Istehkam, saying that the provincial assembly rejected the federal government’s attempts to impose its decisions on the province.

The minister said that the province had been affected by the federal government’s decisions which had resulted in the loss of lives and property. He demanded that the federal government consult with the provincial government and its elected representatives before making any decisions, or else the federal government would be responsible for any adverse consequences.


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