IShowSpeed angers father by making baby cry during mall prank in Denmark

IShowSpeed's prank at a Danish mall makes a baby cry, sparking controversy during the streamer's European tour.

Pop Culture & Art July 19, 2024

Popular and often controversial streamer IShowSpeed has once again found himself at the center of a public outcry. This time, during his European tour, an incident at a shopping mall in Denmark left many viewers and bystanders with a negative impression.

The incident occurred when IShowSpeed, known for his daring and sometimes outrageous content, approached a baby's stroller as part of a prank. The streamer, who has popularized the 'English or Spanish' challenge where participants must stand perfectly still, attempted to engage the baby in his antics. However, the situation quickly took a turn for the worse when IShowSpeed screamed in victory after the baby moved. The loud noise startled the child, causing it to cry inconsolably.

Witnesses and viewers expressed their dismay at the incident. Although IShowSpeed promptly apologized, the baby's father was visibly upset. Nevertheless, the father showed remarkable tolerance and did not escalate the situation. This encounter could have ended much differently had the father not been as understanding.

IShowSpeed's behavior continues to stir controversy, with many criticizing his lack of foresight and consideration in his content creation. This episode is just the latest in a series of contentious moments for the streamer, whose real name is Darren Watkins Jr. Known for his high-energy and often provocative videos, IShowSpeed frequently pushes the boundaries of acceptable behavior.

In past incidents, IShowSpeed has faced backlash for various stunts, including embarrassing himself while playing soccer in front of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and encountering allegations of racism after asking the price of a luxury convertible car. His latest prank in Denmark adds to the growing list of controversial moments in his career.


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