High monsoon alert issued in Balochistan

PDMA declares high alert across 17 districts to mitigate potential risks

People retrieve bamboos from a damaged house following rains and floods during the monsoon season in Dera Allah Yar, district Jafferabad, Balochistan. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE


The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has issued a high alert across 17 districts in anticipation of the upcoming monsoon season, aiming to mitigate potential risks and manage emergencies effectively.

As the monsoon clouds gather over Balochistan, the administration has elevated its preparedness to a red alert status. Significant rainfall has already been recorded in various regions, including Sibi, Harnai, and Zhob.

Director General of PDMA Balochistan Jehanzaib Khan confirmed that relief supplies have been dispatched to all affected districts.

A comprehensive emergency plan has been meticulously drafted, with detailed briefings conducted for all relevant departments outlining their respective roles.

In districts under high alert, Deputy Commissioners have been tasked with identifying safe evacuation centres as a precautionary measure. Naseerabad division, particularly vulnerable to flooding from Harnai, and areas like Zhob and Sherani facing threats of flash floods, are on heightened alert.

Local NGOs have been placed on standby to provide immediate assistance during any emergency situations triggered by the monsoon rains.

Emphasising the importance of readiness and swift response, DG PDMA Balochistan stressed the need to minimise the impact of monsoon-related disasters. Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Sarfaraz Bugti has directed both PDMA and concerned deputy commissioners to ensure their teams are prepared to address any emergent challenges.

Just a day ago, heavy monsoon showers continued to batter northeastern and central Balochistan. Landslides were reported along the Sulaiman Range, disrupting traffic on the highway linking Balochistan with Punjab.

"At least 17 districts in Balochistan are on high alert due to the monsoon rains," remarked the PDMA director general.

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