PTI hopeful of getting ‘stolen mandate’ back

Haleem Sheikh says at last we can see justice prevail

PTI Party flag PHOTO:Express


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Sindh President of Haleem Adil Shaikh has said that justice has prevailed despite unfavourable circumstances.

Talking to the media outside the Sindh High Court (SHC) after the hearing of Election Tribunal, he recited the couplet of prominent poet, Sahir Ludhianvi, "Zulm phir zulm hai barhta hai tu mit jaata hai".

Sheikh highlighted the struggle for reclaiming stolen mandates in Sindh after the decisions on reserved seats. He criticised the current rulers for their extravagance amidst the nation's hardships and anticipated that genuine leaders would soon come to power. He pointed out that fake members of the assembly, according to Form 47, were hiding like mice, which led the court to impose fines on them.

The Election Tribunal held a hearing for NA-238 Karachi East today. PTI candidate and Sindh President Haleem Adil Sheikh attended the hearing along with Barrister Ali Tahir. They were accompanied by PTI leaders Dawa Khan Sabir, Ahsan Adil Sheikh, Barrister Malik Asif, Advocate Shujaat Hussain, Engineer Abdul Rahman, Fawad Yousafzai, and others.

During the hearing, MQM candidate Sadiq Iftikhar failed to submit a response. The Election Tribunal imposed a fine of Rs100,000 on the MQM-P candidate for failing to submit a response and granted a final opportunity to submit it by the next hearing.

Sheik claimed that PTI won 21 National Assembly seats and 38 Sindh Assembly seats in Karachi and Hyderabad according to Form 45, alleging that their mandate was stolen through a conspiracy.

He maintained that original Form 45 documents were in PTI's possession, He praised the Supreme Court for its just decision on reserved seats and anticipated that fake candidates under Form 47 would soon be ousted.

PTI's lawyer said that the court has imposed a fine of Rs0.1 million on the opposing party in NA-238 and has asked for an answer at the next hearing. If they do not answer, the decision will be announced. "We were declared defeated under a conspiracy although we secured the most votes. The Election Commission of Pakistan has been silenced by Allah.

Before this, an election plea of Dawa Khan Sabir of PTI against rigging in NA-242 constituency was heard before the Election Tribunal.

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