Azealia Banks spotted at Donald Trump rally

Azealia Banks attended a Donald Trump rally in Miami, expressing her support for his 2024 presidential bid.

Rapper Azealia Banks recently attended a Donald Trump rally at one of his resorts in Miami, Florida, showcasing her support for the former president’s 2024 presidential bid. Banks, known for her outspoken nature, has previously voiced her thoughts on Trump, describing him as “fucking funnyyy” and expressing her belief that he should return to the White House despite having previously supported Ron DeSantis.

Footage from the event was shared on Instagram by music promoter Jake Inphamous and reposted on Twitter. In the caption accompanying a video featuring Banks, Inphamous wrote, “Donald Trump invited Azealia Banks and I to talk about ‘Hispanic jobs.’” The video shows Banks struggling to articulate her reasons for attending the rally. The pair can also be seen in the background of a post on Trump’s official Instagram account, amidst MAGA hats and ‘Never Surrender’ posters.

Banks’ endorsement of Trump is not new. In a November 2023 interview with the Standard, she said, “He’s just fucking funnyyy. He’s been through how many bankruptcies? How many wives? How many television shows? Seriously, nothing can take him down.” Banks also expressed her preference for living in Florida, stating it feels safer because “everyone carries a gun” and arguing that guns are necessary to counteract the wealth of technocrats in scenarios like nuclear fallout or a meteor strike. She downplayed concerns about Trump’s potential to cause such a fallout, suggesting he is no more dangerous than President Biden.


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