Ariana Grande claims her voice changes are “normal” after backlash

Grande addressed the criticism over her voice, highlighting double standards in the entertainment industry.

Photo: Reuters

Ariana Grande has responded to recent criticism surrounding her vocal delivery, particularly her ability to switch between different accents and inflections. 

The Grammy-winning artist dismissed the backlash, emphasizing that such shifts are a common occurrence, especially for performers with a broad vocal range.

During an interview on the Shut Up Evan podcast on July 9th, Grande referenced her role as Glinda in the upcoming "Wicked" movie musical, attributing her vocal versatility to the demands of portraying a character regularly. 

She explained, "Muscle memory is a real thing," underscoring how her vocal changes are a natural consequence of her professional commitments.

Grande also pointed out what she perceives as a gender-based double standard in the entertainment industry. She noted that while male actors receive praise for staying in character post-filming, female performers like herself often face scrutiny for similar vocal adaptations. 

"God forbid I sneeze like Glinda," she quipped, highlighting the disparity in how such behaviors are perceived and critiqued.

This isn't the first time Grande has defended her vocal techniques. Previously, she responded to criticism on social media, asserting that her vocal adjustments are essential for her "vocal health." 

Despite the ongoing chatter, Grande expressed a desire to maintain privacy and avoid engaging in unnecessary public discourse.

In conclusion, Grande emphasized the importance of protecting her peace of mind and personal privacy over seeking approval from public scrutiny.


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