Juvaria’s solution to a solitary life

Juvaria Abbasi talks remarrying, ending loneliness

With her core responsibilities done and dusted with, Juvaria is ready to embark on her new chapter. Photo: Instagram

Like many single mothers taking on the role of two parents as they raise a child by themselves, television actor Juvaria Abbasi had no intention of remarrying — until, that is, her own daughter, Anzela, tied the knot.

In May this year, Juvaria shared a sweet clip on Instagram revealing her own engagement, but remarrying was not always in the cards for the Shehnai actor. It was her daughter, Anzela, getting married and fleeing the nest, so to speak, that marked the turning point for Juvaria, bringing forth the realisation that she wasn’t prepared to spend the rest of her life alone.

“Until then, Anzela was the centre of my world,” recalled the Juvaria on an appearance at a local news outlet. Sharing the guest couch with fellow actor and friend Shahood Alvi, Juvaria continued, “Raising Anzela was my main goal, but after she got married, I knew I wanted to take my life in another direction.”

It was not just a daughter that Juvaria had to care for, but also ageing, ailing parents. The combined weight of all these responsibilities meant that Juvaria did not have the mental space to think about remarrying until very recently.

After being introduced to a man at a dinner party, who then went on to propose to her, Juvaria recalled feeling conflicted; on the one hand, here was someone she was prepared to marry, but on the other hand, could she really take that leap again after all this time?

“Shahood told me that if Allah wills it and everything was falling into place, I should go for it,” she shared, hinting at years of solid friendship with her colleague. Speaking warmly of fiancé, Juvaria added, “He is a total gentleman.”

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