Unauthorised gatherings prohibited during Muharram



The Sindh Home Department has imposed a ban on processions and rallies without permission during the holy month of Muharram.

The ban will remain in effect from Muharram 1 to 10 throughout the province, according to a notification issued by the Home Department on Saturday. There will also be a ban on pillion riding on the 9th and 10th of Muharram. However, children under 12 years of age, the elderly, and journalists will be exempt from these restrictions.

The notification states that display of weapons, flying of drones, and unnecessary use of loudspeakers are also prohibited under the Sindh Sound System Act 2015. There will be a ban on flying drones during Muharram Majalis and mourning processions.

There will be a comprehensive ban on all unauthorised processions, congregations, and tazias. Organisers will have to obtain a prior permission from the concerned deputy commissioner for any procession, tazia, gathering, or meeting.

Moreover, the Home Department has also prohibited unaffiliated people from sitting on tall buildings along procession routes. Carrying of licensed firearms has also been banned, with the exception of officials from security agencies and authorised guards, as per the notification.

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