Israel raids Gaza city's Shujayea neighborhood, forcing thousands to flee

Between 60,000 and 80,000 residents fled the neighborhood as Israeli forces launched a ground attack.


In a devastating escalation of the Israel-Palestine conflict, between 60,000 and 80,000 residents were forced to flee Gaza City's Shujayea neighborhood as Israeli forces launched a ground attack on Thursday. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported 139 Palestinians killed and 331 injured in Israeli attacks between Monday and Thursday.

The mass displacement in Shujayea marks a significant increase in the number of Gazans uprooted by Israeli military actions since October, now totaling approximately 78% of the territory's 2.3 million population. 

The OCHA situation report highlights the severe disruption of humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza. Between June 1 and 27, only 49 out of 101 planned aid missions to northern Gaza were facilitated by Israeli forces. Ten missions were denied, 30 were impeded, and 12 were canceled, severely limiting the assistance available to the affected population. 

In contrast, aid efforts in the southern part of Gaza fared somewhat better, with 71% of the 276 missions facilitated by Israeli forces. However, the overall humanitarian situation remains dire, with the majority of Gaza's residents facing acute shortages of basic necessities, including food, water, and medical supplies.

Al Jazeera reports that the latest wave of violence and displacement has exacerbated the already critical conditions in Gaza. Hospitals are overwhelmed with casualties, and the destruction of infrastructure has made it increasingly difficult for humanitarian organizations to deliver aid to those in need.


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