Do more for Palestine

Almost 38,000 Palestinians have died in Israel’s barbaric invasion of Gaza since October of last year. The civilian population is experiencing famine with children dying of malnutrition. Every day, the settler-colonial state carries out dozens of air and artillery strikes on Gazans. Almost nine months into the invasion, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have failed to achieve any of their primary objectives and are pursuing a policy of scorched earth and genocide. Yet, the Palestinian resistance is still capable of fighting back and according to international press, 80 per cent of Hamas’ infrastructure remains intact.

The latest round of peace talks ended in stalemate yet again, with Hamas accusing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of evading efforts to reach a ceasefire deal. The beleaguered Israeli premier, facing mounting domestic opposition from lawmakers and civilians, is in favour of a ‘partial’ ceasefire while Hamas demands a complete cessation of Israeli hostilities against the people of Gaza. The Palestinian resistance also urged the US to ‘lift its cover of silence and bias’ and pressure Israel ‘to stop the aggression and genocidal war’.

It is the responsibility of world powers to end the suffering of innocent Palestinians and find a lasting solution to the oldest conflict in the Middle East. The State of Palestine is recognised as a sovereign state by 145 of the 193 member states of the United Nations, and the only way forward is a two-state solution where Palestinians can live with dignity. The world needs to intervene and ensure the settler state is held accountable for its uncountable crimes against the people of Palestine. The time has come for the UN to act rather than just issue empty statements and ensure the conflict ends as soon as possible and does not spread to Lebanon or any other country.

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