Intolerant society

Sectarianism and mob violence in Pakistan continue to threaten the country’s social fabric and stability. Deep-rooted divisions along religious lines have led to violence, discrimination and alienation, creating a toxic environment that undermines unity and progress. One of the main causes of sectarianism in Pakistan is the politicisation of religion. Extremist groups, ultraconservative clerics and political forces — including some so-called centrists — have exploited religious differences to further their own agendas, leading to heightened tensions and conflict. This has resulted in a dangerous cycle of violence, with attacks on religious minority groups and retaliatory acts further fueling the divide.

Furthermore, the lack of effective policies and law enforcement to address sectarian violence has exacerbated the problem. The failure to hold perpetrators of sectarian violence accountable has only emboldened those seeking to sow discord along religious lines. To combat sectarianism, it is crucial for the government to prioritise inclusive policies that promote tolerance, understanding and peaceful coexistence among different religious communities. This includes actively combating hate speech, promoting interfaith dialogue and ensuring the protection of religious minority rights. Moreover, comprehensive educational reforms are needed to foster a culture of religious tolerance and mutual respect from a young age. By promoting a curriculum that celebrates diversity and teaches the values of peaceful coexistence, Pakistan can begin to address the root causes of sectarianism.

But effective punitive measures are also needed to ensure people know that indulging in, or even encouraging, sectarian violence will lead to their own violent end. Otherwise, the instigators of sectarian violence will continue to escape scrutiny due to their political or religious connections. Political parties and religious leaders must also be unequivocal in shutting out hate and intolerance, instead of cozying up with them to get their support when it is politically expedient.

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