Human consciousness and change

Human consciousness is a diverse subject to discuss. It is about perception, acceptance and changing the idea of perception in tangible and intangible reality. From the first human evolution to humanity’s future, consciousness constantly changes. The most appreciated part of human consciousness is accepting the new zeitgeists. All the progress, innovation and growth are part of adaptations in the human consciousness. From one mode of production to a new mode of production, consciousness of humans shifted in history. However, it never happened in a sudden shot. Every idea of transformation in history took years to be accepted in the human consciousness. For example, from the industrial economy of the 20th century to the digitised economy of the 21st century is the progress of human consciousness.

Human consciousness changed with time to introduce humanity with new ideals. In the 20th century, human consciousness psychology revolved around the hard labour to make progress. Our history witnessed that human society made unprecedented growth in the 20th century through hard labour, tense working hours and using the physical potential to make such a massive shift in our society. With the time, human consciousness came under the change. Now, it accepted the new idea that hard labour is a complex mechanism to follow. Human consciousness has made a new synthesis to allow growth with ease and comfort. In human consciousness, the contradiction between generational growth and less intense physical processes is an idea of change. Human consciousness strived to create decentralised gig-based economies to establish comfortable means of earning. This method of new earning is based on cognitive skills and mental labour rather than physical labour. We have changed our consciousness and accepted new techniques to make life easier and more comfortable.

Human consciousness from history to the present is struggling for ease. All the innovations and new technologies are created to make life more comfortable. The new age of AI is a magnificent example of how humans created a new idea of ease. AI will do all the redundant and monotonous tasks in a few clicks. This is a new evolution of human consciousness to new levels of bringing luxury into our lives.

There is another invisible idea to focus. Before the 20th century, seeing a burning cat in the fire was a cherished spectacle. Humans enjoyed such horrible incidents. Nowadays, if an unknown person with a different ethnicity, nationality and state comes under pain and suffering, the other person from different backgrounds can feel their pain and suffering. In response to Israel’s atrocities against the Muslims of Gaza, Western countries staged historic protests. Likewise, even citizens of Israel can feel the pain of the suffering community. Human consciousness has changed over the past few years, leading to the development of magnificent circles of empathy.

In the second part, this article will highlight the historical progress of human consciousness. It was a time when it was tough to tame human nature. Humans were not easily regulated and handled. In ancient societies, it took years to make societies understand that some ideas are good or bad. For example, knowing microorganisms can cause diseases took hundreds of years. It is the most recent acceptance of human consciousness after the thesis and struggle of Louis Pasteur. In modern days, human consciousness has quickly become adaptable. For example, AI is a recent discovery in our society. It became prevalent after 2015. Buttressing the fact, global society has accepted that AI is disruptive, that it needs regulation, and that ethical governance should be included. It is how human consciousness has progressed from history to the present to adapt with flexibility. Likewise, it is easy to regulate human consciousness in different directions nowadays. Stopping the car when the signal is red is a universal fact. Every human consciousness has adopted this direction. The new emerging order of technology, science and backlash will alter human consciousness accordingly to accommodate progress and innovation. However, this change of consciousness will be fast-paced compared to all the previous historical changes.

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