‘Azm-e-Istehkam’ to defeat terrorism

Civil-military huddle gives nod to new operation


The country’s civil and military leadership on Saturday launched a new campaign in an effort to tackle the resurgence of terrorism as Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif highlighted the need for all institutions of the country to collectively combat this menace instead of relying on one.

The operation titled “Azm-e-Istehkam” was approved after reaching a consensus with all the stakeholders, including the four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir, read a statement issued by the PM’s Office after the meeting of the high-powered Central Apex Committee on the National Action Plan (NAP).

The move to launch a fresh operation came following an increase in militant attacks and incidents of extremism.

Chaired by PM Shehbaz, the Central Apex Committee on NAP was attended by key cabinet members including federal ministers.

The chief ministers of the four provinces and Gilgit-Baltistan; services chiefs; chief secretaries; as well as other senior civilian, military and law enforcement agencies officers participated in the huddle too.

The statement read that the prime minister approved a reinvigorated and re-energised national counter-terrorism campaign through the launching of the new operation.

“Azm-e-Istehkam will integrate and synergise multiple lines of effort to combat the menace of extremism and terrorism in a comprehensive and decisive manner,” it added.

It stated that efforts would be intensified in the politico-diplomatic domain to curtail the operational space for terrorists through regional cooperation.

“The renewed and full-blown kinetic efforts of the armed forces will be augmented by full support from all law enforcement agencies, empowered by effective legislation to address legal voids that hinder effective prosecution of terrorism-related cases and award of exemplary punishments to them [terrorists].”

The forum conducted a comprehensive review of the ongoing counter-terrorism campaign and assessed the internal security situation.

The progress on the multi-domain tenets of NAP was scrutinised, with particular emphasis on identifying shortcomings in their implementation for addressing them at top priority.

The necessity for a comprehensive and reinvigorated counter-terrorism strategy, founded on a complete national consensus and system-wide synergy, was underscored.

“The campaign will be duly complemented by socio-economic measures aimed at addressing genuine concerns of the people and creating an environment that discourages extremist tendencies. The information space will be leveraged to promote a unified national narrative in support of the campaign.”

The forum reiterated that the fight against terrorism as well as extremism was Pakistan’s war and absolutely essential for the nation’s survival and well-being.

The forum resolved that nobody would be allowed to challenge the writ of the state without any exception.

The forum also reviewed measures to ensure foolproof security for the Chinese nationals in Pakistan.

Following the prime minister’s approval, new standard operating procedures (SOPs) were issued to the relevant departments that will enhance the mechanisms for providing comprehensive security to the Chinese citizens in Pakistan.

A day earlier, a visiting Chinese minister said the security situation in Pakistan had shaken the confidence of his country’s investors.

Liu Jianchao, the minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC), linked the Chinese investment with improved security and business environment in Pakistan.

Addressing the participants of the apex committee’s meeting, PM Shehbaz said combating terrorism was a responsibility shared by all federal and provincial governments institutions.

He stressed the need for a collective and coordinated approach to eradicate this menace from the country.

“It is the joint responsibility of all of us to enforce the state’s accountability fully and without exception.”

PM Shehbaz noted that terrorism had plagued the country for over two and a half decades.

He described the problem as complex, with a deadly relationship between terrorism, crime, drug trafficking, extremism, and religious hatred.

He stressed the need for stability and the rule of law for sustainable development in the country.

“A soft state can never win the confidence of investors, and a healthy and strong economy cannot be imagined in a country plagued by instability and terrorism.”

The prime minister criticised the tendency of provincial governments and institutions to rely solely on the country’s armed forces to fight terrorism, absolving themselves of this responsibility.

He warned the participants of the meeting that this mindset would not help in completely uprooting terrorism from the country.

“Pakistan’s armed forces have been shedding their blood for decades, offering unmatched and countless sacrifices,” he said, adding that sustainable stability could not be ensured without a complete system and whole-of-government approach.

The premier called for all law enforcement agencies, ministries, and federal and provincial governments to work together to eliminate terrorism.

He pointed out that following the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, provincial governments now had significant resources and a crucial role in this effort.

“We need harmony among all stakeholders, including political and religious leaders, to put the country on the path of peace and prosperity.”

PM Shehbaz urged political and religious leaders to be clear that the fight against terrorism was crucial for safeguarding the future of the country’s generations.

“Irrespective of all differences, we should take this responsibility and support our armed forces,” he said.

“Putting the responsibility solely on a single institution will be a blatant mistake.”

He also stressed the importance of active diplomacy to take action against terrorist elements outside Pakistan.

(With input from APP)


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