‘Human Milk Bank’ project put on hold


The Sindh health department, following the objections raised by Mufti Taqi Usmani, has put the Human Milk Bank project on hold.

According to a spokesperson for the health department, objections were raised on the project regarding the trade of mother's milk and lack of relationship between the donor and the recipient, among other things.

The spokesperson clarified that health department and the Sindh Institute of Child Health and Neonatology had consulted with the Islamic Ideological Council on the project. "We are not trading milk, but providing human milk for free to the needy," he said, adding that under the project details about the families of donors and recipients are provided to both sides.

"Before establishing the milk bank, a fatwa was obtained from Darul Uloom Karachi on December 25, 2023.

We have always tried to comply with Islamic principles and values.

However, the project has been put on hold until the final decision on the objections is made," the spokesperson added.

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