Sukkur witnesses last night rush at cattle markets

Traders from Punjab, Balochistan, and domestic markets bring stock in numbers to market of Sukkur to maximise profits


The trade of sacrificial animals reached fever pitch in Sukkur on the weekend, as traders coming from far-flung areas of Punjab, Balochistan, and various districts of lower Sindh decided to sell off their cattle and break camp to head home.

People in last minute rush to get a sacrificial animal to slaughter on Eidul Azha were trying to get benefit of traders' eagerness to offload their inventory. However, with all the good heads sold earlier, the market was either left with the best and most expensive or the lowest quality animals.

Over the last week as the annual religious festival drew nearer, a great rush was witnessed at the cattle markets. Traders from Punjab, Balochistan, and domestic markets bring their stock in large numbers to the lucrative market of Sukkur to maximise profits. Meanwhile, the Sukkur Municipal Corporation (SMC) had imposed a ban on the entry of sacrificial animals into the city and declared tax-free animals from the SMC-established cattle markets for Eid.


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