Bike stunts prompt Hana Lake closure

Locals take drastic step to protest frequent one-wheeling


Local residents have closed the popular recreational spots Hana Lake and Hana Orak Quetta to the tourists after visitors were regularly seen observing dangerous bike stunts.

This decisive action was taken as a protest against the rising incidents of dangerous motorcycling by visitors, which have resulted in numerous injuries among local children.

“We will not allow motorcyclists to play with their lives here despite the fact that it is the responsibility of the provincial government to curb such practices,” Shah Zaman Kakar, one of the protesters told The Express Tribune.

“This is a picnic spot but not a place for one wheeling which frequently results in injuries and even deaths,” he said.

The protesters expressed their frustration and anguish over the reckless behavior of youths from Quetta city who were engaged in speeding and one-wheeling on motorcycles.

This perilous activity has led to several accidents, causing severe injuries to local children and death of bikers.

“We cannot stand by as our children become disabled for the sake of others’ entertainment,” one protester identified as Muhammad Khan said.

The local community has raised this issue with the administration multiple times, but their concerns have been met with empty promises and false assurances.

The protestors emphasized that their drastic measures are a last resort after numerous attempts to resolve the situation through dialogue were ignored.

They demand immediate and effective action to ensure the safety of their children and to prevent the recreational spots from becoming hotspots for hazardous activities.

As the protests continue, the future of Hana Lake and Hana Orak as accessible recreational areas remains uncertain. The local administration is under increasing pressure to address the safety concerns and restore order while balancing the interests of both locals and tourists.

Later on, the senior administration officials held negotiations with the protesters and the road was reopened for the traffic.


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