Meghan Markle's jam brand in sticky situation with adult colouring books

Meghan’s American Riviera Orchard brand faces an awkward mix-up with adult colouring books sporting the same name.


Meghan Markle recently found herself in a sticky situation, but not because of her new jam line. 

The Duchess of Sussex, who launched her American Riviera Orchard brand in March, aimed to bring preserves, nut butter, homeware, and pet products to the market. However, it seems the brand name is already in use for a very different kind of product—adult colouring books.

According to The Independent, an enigmatic US-based seller has a Shopify page offering adult colouring books under the same name, with titles like "Working Class Royalty." Prices range from £8 to £16, and one of the books is already sold out. The seller also offers financial planners with prices varying by size.

Despite the Shopify page's disclaimer of any connection to Meghan's brand, the website description takes an anti-monarchy stance. It dismisses royal titles as meaningless and claims its "RoyalWealth ReignTM line was established to celebrate the working class."

The US-based brand states, "In America, we do not recognize a royal title by someone's name. In America, we believe ALL are created EQUAL."


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