Over 181 terrorists killed in 70 days

4,902 operations conducted in Balochistan with 51 terrorists killed, Sindh 2 terrorists on 142 operations

ISPR says a large cache of arms and ammunition including explosives was recovered from the terrorists. PHOTO: EXPRESS


The country’s armed forces have achieved major successes over the past 70 days, eliminating a total of 181 terrorists in 7,745 operations conducted across various regions.

According to details, 2,701 operations were carried out in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, resulting in the death of 128 terrorists.

Similarly, over 4,902 operations were conducted in Balochistan with 51 terrorists killed, and in Sindh, 142 operations led to the elimination of 2 terrorists. Moreover, in May, security forces arrested 61 terrorists from K-P and Balochistan. The terrorists were killed while attempting to infiltrate from across the border.

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