A shirtless Umar Akmal was not the balm we needed on our bruises but he doesn't care

Cricketer has been busy trying to make a point

While Pakistanis were busy reeling from the heartbreak of losing a potentially winnable match against India, cricketer Umar Akmal seemed to have been busy trying to make a point. Taking to Facebook, the Hercules-in-training has, at least in his own reality, silenced naysayers and haters with a few images that, frankly, deserve a partial-nudity trigger warning. 

"Attention please," wrote Akmal in the post he shared that has stayed up for at least 40 minutes, indicating that he firmly believes it's a great idea. "This is for those who think I am not fit," he added, alongside a series of pictures of him basking in the glory of his...uh, chiselled body.

The comments section of the post is a maze of amusement. For starters, one has a hard time distinguishing between those offering genuine praise and those trying to pull Akmal's leg - not that that can be done, given his strength and overall prowess. 

"Better fitness than Babar," says one admirer, chiding the king of Pakistani cricket in the process. Another comment deems Akmal Pakistan's Ronaldo, even though cricket and football share little in common. "Better than the whole Pakistani squad," says a crestfallen fan of the men in green. One comment rudely highlights, "Umar bhai holding his breath for pictures," but once it is seen, it cannot be unseen.

Akmal's dedication to fitness is certainly an appreciable move. His decision to post pictures of his shirtless, sunbathing body to prove a point, though? Perhaps it falls under the realm of being questionable, but really, who's to say for sure?

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