Baby Reindeer’s Jessica Gunning, opens up about embracing her sexuality: 'It was a massive moment'"

“Like all my friends are gay. So it wasn't that I was, like, repressing anything,” said the actress.

Courtesy: Netflix

Jessica Gunning, known for her role in ‘Baby Reindeer,’ openly embraces her sexuality. 

During an appearance on the ‘Reign with Josh Smith’ podcast on Monday, June 3, she discussed the “massive moment” of coming out as gay.

In the Netflix hit series, inspired by real events, creator Richard Gadd portrays a character named Donny, while Gunning plays Martha, who becomes entangled in the storyline where Donny is stalked and faces sexual assault.

Gunning shared during the podcast about the theme of self-love in the show, before talking about her own experience with the topic. 

“Do you feel like you're stepping into yourself in new ways now?” Smith asked.

“Well, a big thing happened to me and maybe I'll just talk about it. I came out actually in November ‘22,” Gunning replied as Smith welcomed her to the club. 

“Thank you very much. Thank you. And that was a mega, mega thing for me because I, for so long, I'm surrounded by gays,” she said.

“Like all my friends are gay. So it wasn't that I was, like, repressing anything. It was just that I didn't think I could be and I still can't articulate it in the best way,” continued the ‘Baby Reindeer’ star.

“I told my family in Christmas that year and I slept for like 10 hours at night. Yeah, because I kind of was like, ‘Oh, that's what this has been.’ It's been like a little secret, I guess, I've been keeping from myself even,” she added.

'Baby Reindeer' is now streaming on Netflix.


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