Prince Harry angered by removal of letter defending Meghan Markle.

The Duke is reportedly upset as letter defending Meghan Markle removed from the official royal website.

Prince Harry is reportedly "very cross" after a letter he wrote in 2016 was removed from the Royal Family website. 

The letter, which confirmed his relationship with Meghan Markle and defended her from media criticism, had been on the site for seven years.

According to royal commentator Angela Levin, the letter was a "strong, angry, honest" statement written out of fear that Meghan might leave him.

"On the royal website, they removed the information that in 2016 Harry sent this very, very angry letter to the press," Levin explained. "It was to say that they were being racist towards Meghan and disturbing her. Now that was when they met."

Levin recalled an interesting encounter in 2016 when she was warned by one of Harry's aides to approach the interview with caution. "'Be very, very careful because he's just written a letter and he's terrified that Meghan's going to leave him.' So actually go very carefully, otherwise he'll throw you out," Levin was told.

Reflecting on the removal of the letter, Levin noted, "Now that the letter is gone, he's very cross because he felt it should be against the press. However, it doesn't work like that because they've moved forward and they don't want to have this distancing themselves from Harry and Meghan."

In his memoir, Spare, Harry revealed that the letter had also angered King Charles and Prince William at the time, highlighting the ongoing tensions within the royal family.


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