Warning for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as risk of diluting Sussex brand raises concerns

Harry and Meghan walking a tightrope between legacy and activism, PR expert suggests.

Pop Culture & Art June 01, 2024

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been cautioned that blending their royal heritage with celebrity activism without a clear narrative could harm their Sussex brand. In 2024, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex initiated a 'PR blitz,' following a brand revamp earlier in the year. They have since engaged in various projects, including Meghan's lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, two new Netflix shows on polo and cooking, and their recent "unofficial royal tour" in Nigeria.

Renae Smith, founder and director of the Atticism, emphasized the importance of a unified narrative for high-profile brands like Harry and Meghan's. She told the Express, "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's current strategy of mixing royal gravitas with celebrity activism presents a unique hybrid brand, but it certainly brings challenges alongside its opportunities. The lack of a unified narrative could confuse their audience and potentially weaken their brand impact."

Smith highlighted the necessity of consistency, stating, "A clear and consistent message helps build a strong, reliable brand that audiences understand and trust. When the message becomes fragmented, it can lead to audience disengagement."

Regarding their unofficial royal tours, Smith noted, "These could enhance their image as compassionate, proactive figures on the global stage. However, success depends on producing real, measurable impacts rather than just appearing as high-profile visits."

Smith concluded that while Harry and Meghan's diverse initiatives reflect their dynamic interests, they must tie them to a "central mission statement or cause" to maintain brand strength and clarity. She advised, "Focusing on fewer, more aligned projects could make their brand narrative stronger and more coherent, achieving more substantial, lasting change in their areas of interest."


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