Lenny Kravitz on 9 Years of celibacy: "It's a spiritual thing"

“I have become very set in my ways, in the way I live”

Pop Culture & Art May 30, 2024
Image: AFP

Lenny Kravitz opens up about embracing celibacy and maintaining physical fitness at 60

In a recent interview with The Guardian, published on Thursday, May 30th, Lenny Kravitz discussed his decision to embrace celibacy for the past nine years. The 60-year-old musician revealed he's on a spiritual journey and is waiting to find the right partner before becoming intimate again.

"Yes, it's a spiritual thing," Kravitz told the Guardian. This isn't his first time speaking about celibacy. Back in 2008, he expressed similar views to Maxim magazine, stating, "It's just a promise I made until I get married. Where I'm at in life, the women have got to come with something else, not just the body, but the mind and spirit."

Despite his commitment to celibacy, Kravitz also spoke about his desire for a future relationship, acknowledging the potential challenge his established routines might pose. "I have become very set in my ways, in the way I live," he admitted in the interview.

The conversation also touched on Kravitz's dedication to physical fitness. He maintains a rigorous exercise routine, even if it means unconventional gym hours. "Take last night," he said. "I worked all day, interviews, rehearsing into the night, get home at 11 p.m. I need to eat something. Now it's 1 a.m. I didn't get my workout. So I went to the gym and I did a 90-minute workout at 2 a.m. I don't want to be in the gym at 2 a.m., but I know that I must."

Kravitz emphasizes the importance of discipline for overall well-being. "Because it's part of my discipline — it's about body, mind and spirit," he explained. "I want all of those three elements aligned. If my body's in shape and my spirit and mind are not, then it's just something nice to look at or to boast about. Who cares? For me, all of it has to be aligned. And I have to do the work it takes to have all of those in alignment so my being can be at its maximum."


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