Meera Jee's 'Agent Anila' wants to spread a virus, but the real sickness is the film's trailer

Film is releasing on June 21 of this year


Brilliant acting, stunning action sequences, immaculate sound, and CGI that will take your breath away - these are all elements that are missing from Meera Jee's upcoming film, Agent Anila. But, should one be brave enough to perfectly summarise the trailer of the offering by Qasim Panhwar, the phrase that comes to mind is "deliciously disastrous."

All of us are often searching for films that are so mind-bogglingly awful that they end up being enjoyable. If the trailer is anything go by, at its best, Agent Anila may just serve that purpose. At its worst, it could be the next Chain Aye Na.

The trailer has it all - Meera Jee talking about her gang spread all over the globe, sound that doesn't quite sync up, an explosion that would put the most skilled CGI artist to shame, and hollow tin sounds for when someone gets shot. There are also action sequences shot from a lower angle that make it seem like one is having their posterior whooped. Maybe that's what one would deserve, should one choose to go watch this film releasing on June 21 of this year.

But hey, don't take our word for it. There are plenty of others who seem to be just as interested in and appalled by the film's quirks. For instance, Fasi Zaka took to X to share a rather dramatic and what one assumes was supposed to be an impactful snippet from the film, saying alongside, "Just because of this brilliant scene, I think I will be watching this film twice on the day of its release." A less gracious X user responded, "Only dunking my head in a barrel full of meth could make me watch this."

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