Angelina Jolie's journey through Japanese craftsmanship and sustainability

Angelina Jolie's commitment to sustainable fashion is also evident in her Atelier Jolie concept store in New York.

Actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie, known for her diverse roles and dedication to social causes, recently embarked on a journey through Japan, exploring its rich cultural heritage and deep-rooted craftsmanship. In collaboration with Vogue Japan, Jolie immersed herself in the unique blend of tradition and innovation that defines Japanese culture.

Jolie's exploration focused on the significance of craft and sustainability in fashion, a passion further ignited by her role as the Godmother of Guerlain's "WOMEN FOR BEES" initiative. She visited a variety of Japanese artisans, experiencing firsthand the dedication to preserving age-old techniques while embracing modern interpretations.

From the urban beekeepers of Ginza Honey Bee Project to the innovative calligraphy of artist Mami and the centuries-old indigo dyeing at Noguchi Dyeing Factory, Jolie witnessed the meticulous attention to detail and respect for resources that characterise Japanese craftsmanship.

The concept of "mottainai," which emphasises avoiding waste and valuing what one has, resonated deeply with Jolie. She connected this philosophy to her own punk ethos, rejecting overconsumption and embracing individual expression.

Jolie's commitment to sust

In her conversations with artisans and Vogue Japan's Head of Editorial Content, Tiffany Godoy, Jolie discussed her experiences in Japan, her extensive charity work, her ongoing relationship with fame, and the importance of building community. She emphasised the need to step away from the relentless cycle of consumption and reconnect with personal values.

Jolie's journey through Japanese craftsmanship serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of honouring tradition, embracing sustainability, and cherishing the human touch in a world dominated by fast fashion and fleeting trends.


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