Kanye West Fans think Elon Musk's Cyber Truck is straight out of Kanye's Yeezy line

Kanye West fans see similarities between Elon Musk cyber truck's design and aesthetics of West's Yeezy fashion line.

Photo: Reuters

Kanye West, known for his controversial decisions and innovative designs, recently found himself in the spotlight again after a video surfaced online purportedly showcasing his highly limited edition Yeezy Cybertruck. The all-black, futuristic vehicle, supposedly retailing for $1.2 million USD, drew mixed reactions from fans and critics alike.

The design, featuring sharp lines and a pyramid-like top, was compared to everything from a computer mouse to a DVD player. Some fans even questioned its practicality, imagining the challenges of interacting with police in a car with no visible windows.

However, after going viral, the video sparked a debate among viewers. While some believed it could be a Yeezy-ified Cybertruck, automobile enthusiasts quickly pointed out that the vehicle in question was identical to the Lamborghini "Lo-Res" concept car, first unveiled over five years ago.

It seems the internet may have jumped the gun on this one, mistaking a Lamborghini concept for a new Yeezy creation. This incident highlights the power of social media to spread misinformation and the importance of verifying information before drawing conclusions.

Interestingly, the Lamborghini "Lo-Res" concept car shares some design similarities with Elon Musk's Tesla Cybertruck, which has also been met with mixed reactions due to its unconventional appearance. Both vehicles feature angular, futuristic designs and aim to push the boundaries of automotive aesthetics.



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