Bill Burr calls out Bill Maher for comments on Israel’s war on Gaza: “How is war still legal”

The two comics went head-to-head on everything from ‘cancel culture’ to pro-Palestinian protests.

Courtesy: Club Random Podcast on YouTube

Bill Burr is setting the internet ablaze after roasting host Bill Maher on his podcast, Club Random.

Maher complained about pro-Palestinian protests, calling them “in with the terrorists.”  Burr retorted, “They were for the Palestinians,” with Maher responding, “It's sort of the same cause.”

When Maher questioned if Burr supported the protests, the comedian replied, “I'm on the side of the kids.” 

Maher said, “That's easy to say. No one wants to see kids dead.” Burr responded sarcastically, “That was very brave of you to say.”

The meltdown continued with Maher insisting he was the “one who's actually brave" on the subject. 

Burr fired back, “Oh, pat yourself on the back.” Maher spoke further about his opinions on war, “It comes down to hard-nosed decisions.”

“Oh, stop talking like you're a general!” Burr quipped, before launching into an impersonation of Maher's “solution” to the Gaza conflict. 

“‘Don't attack Israel,’ is a very simple solution to all these problems in the Middle East?” he mocked.

Burr then took aim at his war expertise: “How is war still legal with all this shit that's been canceled?

“Sit down and talk it out? Why can't Putin do a podcast with the head guy?” Burr continued. “Like you just solved the Middle East on a podcast! Why can't they solve what they're doing on a podcast?!”

Maher replied, “This is why this is not your thing,” to which Burr responded, “It isn't your thing. It isn't. You're like that guy that has a fantasy football team and thinks he's a f***ing GM. That's exactly what it is. Like, why am I f***ing listening to you like you've done something?! What have you done in Washington? Nothing.”


Former Late Show writer Kevin McCaffery, shared clips of the event on X, writing, “Bill Burr gets invited on podcasts by burnt out hacks who just assume he’ll agree with their boring, morally empty takes because he’s white and has a Boston accent, and they keep being shocked that he still has a mind that works.”

Others, like screenwriter Josh Olson, marveled at Burr's ability to “beat a man to death without leaving your chair.”

Film critic Jake Cole noted his amusement at Burr's “right wing peers” inviting him on only for him to “call them morons to their faces.”

‘The Nation’s’ President, Bhaskar Sunkara, lauded Burr's “common sense defense of Palestinian civilians.”

Throughout the podcast, the two veteran comics went head-to-head on everything from ‘cancel culture’ to Israel’s war on Gaza.

Earlier in the podcast, Maher, infamous for his “woke scoffing,” complained about cancel culture. Burr, however, surprised fans by declaring, “No one cares anymore.” 

“That's so not true!” Maher retorted. But Burr held firm, “If you're not doing's just like, you did this joke about this group of people or that group of people.”


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