King Charles made “genuine attempt” to welcome Meghan Markle

Expert suggests King Charles' support could have influenced Meghan's decision to sever ties with the Royal Family.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's relationship with the Royal Family has become notably strained but relationship expert Louella Alderson indicated that there was potential for a different outcome. 

In an exclusive interview with The Mirror, Louella emphasised that Meghan's marriage to Harry held the promise of transformative change. 

Charles stepped forward to escort Meghan down the aisle when her father, Thomas Markle, declared he wouldn't attend the significant event.

Louella told the Mirror: "There were some moments that showed the potential for a close family relationship between Meghan and the Royals. 

One such moment was when Prince Charles offered to walk Meghan down the aisle on her wedding day instead of her father, who wasn't invited.

"It's unlikely that this gesture was for show but more a genuine attempt from King Charles to be supportive and welcoming of his new daughter in law."

Louella suggests that Meghan might have fostered an amicable relationship with the royals, but she deems it improbable for it to have ever become intimate.

The expert further told The Mirror: "It's unlikely that Meghan ever had a close relationship with members of the Royal Family since she started dating Prince Harry.

"Developing a close bond with family members takes time, effort and a genuine connection. Without this investment in a relationship, it's hard to build a strong and positive bond. If there were early signs of both parties not connecting on a deeper level, it's possible that their relationship would never be a close one.

"There has been so much that has happened between Prince Harry, Meghan and the Royal Family since the wedding that has strained their relationship. This is most likely where any potential for a close family relationship came to an end."


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