Ye formerly known as Kanye West reportedly steps back from adult entertainment industry

Kanye West's adult industry project faces backlash, new update revealed

Kanye West's Yeezy adult project has apparently been abandoned, as updates were made to his social media pages following significant backlash over the announcement of the contentious project.

Ye, formerly Kanye West, aged 46, had announced the new business venture on Instagram at the close of April.

But since then Ye's X account and YouTube channel have been purged of any reference to the project. 

This action comes in the wake of Ye's spokesperson, Milo Yiannopoulos, who serves as YEEZY's chief of staff, opposing Ye's adult film concepts and the now seemingly abandoned project. 

Milo expressed concerns about the venture's potential negative impact on Kanye's "spiritual and physical health," as reported by The Mirror.

He wrote: "I cannot be complicit in the production or dissemination of pornographic films and literature, for moral and religious reasons.

This follows comments from Ryan McCormick, a PR specialist at Goldman McCormick PR, who informed The Mirror that Ye's project was "highly ill-advised." 

Ryan remarked, "From a PR standpoint, I believe this venture poses significant risks for Kanye and his brand. Backlash has already commenced among certain loyal fans, who are urging him to reconsider this notion."


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