Naila becomes first Pakistani woman to summit 11 8,000m peaks

Star mountaineer becomes only Pakistani woman to summit world’s fifth-highest mountain

Pakistani mountaineer Naila Kiani holding up a Pakistani flag to celebrate after scaling the peak of Nanga Parbat which is known as "Killer Mountain" and second highest peak after K2 in Pakistan. (Photo courtesy: naila._.kiani)

Pakistani mountaineer Naila Kiani scaled the 8,485 meters high Mount Makalu, the fifth-highest peak in the world, becoming the first woman in the country’s history to summit 11 peaks above 8,000 metres, according to a statement received here on Sunday.

Makalu is located in the Mahalangur range in the Himalayas in Nepal, southeast of Mount Everest.

The imposing mountain stands at 8,485 meters – 27,838 feet – high. This achievement makes her the first woman in Pakistan to conquer 11 peaks above eight thousand meters in height.

The statement from the country’s leading non-governmental organisation involved in promoting mountaineering stated that Naila Kiani had previously scaled Mount Everest, the second Pakistani woman to do so after Samina Baig in 2013.

Kiani has previously summited Broad Peak, 8,047 meters; Annapurna, 8,091 meters; K2, 8,611 meters; Lhotse, 8,516 meters; Gasherbrum-I, 8,068 meters; Gasherbrum-II, 8,035 meters; Nanga Parbat, 8,125 meters; Mount Everest, 8,849 meters; Manaslu, 8,156 meters; and Cho Oyu, 8,201 meters.“She now holds the record as the fastest Pakistani — both male and female — to have summited 11 of the 8,000-metre peaks, accomplished in under three years,” said the statement, which quoted ACP Secretary Karrar Haidri.

Read Superwoman Naila soars to new heights

“This remarkable feat also makes her the first Pakistani woman to have summited this incredibly difficult mountain,” Haidri further highlighted.

The ACP secretary noted that “after a challenging climb through the night, Naila has achieved another historic milestone by successfully summiting Makalu” at approximately 9:35am Nepal time (8:50am Pakistan time).

“Naila is grateful for all the prayers and wishes, and she gives special thanks to everyone,” the statement said. “She also thanks Sherpa Gelgen Dai from Imagine Nepal, who has supported Naila every step of the way, making this achievement possible,” Haidri added.

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari congratulated Kiani for climbing Mount Makalu.

According to a statement issued by the Bilawal House Media Cell, the PPP chairman said that Kiani's success was a moment of great pride and joy for all Pakistanis.

He said that the PPP reiterates its commitment to support and promote the efforts of all Pakistani athletes, adventurers and trailblazers, who are “making our country famous at the global level”.


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