Winning with character: Shahzaib Rind’s journey

Exclusive: The martial artist from Balochistan reflects on his pursuit of excellence and perseverance amidst obstacles


Balochistan. A province where the sun beats down relentlessly and the rocky terrain stretches out like an endless canvas. Where challenges for an adult or a young boy are not less, and for a sportsman even more, as this is considered as the most ignored province when it comes to sports. Although, this region has produced many great names in hockey, boxing, football, but they didn’t come up with the same facilities as of the other regions, but they faced hardships and struggled before getting recognised by the national team and then getting international recognition.

In all these conditions, still the region has not stopped in producing legends, and this is the same place where another legend was born - Shahzaib Rind. A name whose early days were not merely marked by the rising sun or the passing of time; they were a symphony of struggles and triumphs, a testament to the indomitable spirit that thrives amidst adversity. In the core of this harsh yet majestic landscape, Shahzaib's journey began, sculpted by the rocky crags and shaped by the fiery determination that burned within him.

His childhood, etched with the tales of unyielding spirits and boundless energy, was a canvas upon which his passion for combat found its earliest strokes. Amidst the vast expanse of Quetta's streets, Shahzaib's family recognised his natural talent, a gift they nurtured with the reverence it deserved. From the tender age where fists were raised in playful defiance to the moments where discipline took root in his young heart, Shahzaib's trajectory was set – towards the kingdom of martial arts.

Inspired by the tales of legendary fighters like Prince Naseem Hamed, whose footwork danced like poetry in the ring, or the raw power of icons like Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali, Shahzaib found his guiding lights among the darkness of uncertainty. The lack of infrastructure and formal training facilities in Balochistan could have been deterrents, but for Shahzaib, they were merely challenges to be conquered.

Driven by his dreams and an unquenchable thirst for greatness, Shahzaib embarked on a journey fraught with obstacles. Balancing the rigors of training with the demands of education, navigating the turbulent waters of financial constraints – each hurdle, though formidable, served as a stepping-stone towards his ultimate goal. With firm support from his family and an ironclad resolve that knew no bounds, Shahzaib ascended the ranks, becoming the undisputed number one Wushu fighter in Pakistan.

But Shahzaib's journey was far from over. His quest for excellence led him to the shores of the United States. Here, Shahzaib honed his skills, preparing himself for the challenges that waited on the global stage. And it was on one such stage, at Karate Combat 45, where Shahzaib faced his most defining moment yet – a showdown against Indian athlete, transcending borders and ideologies with each strike thrown.

The Express Tribune interviewed Shahzaib after the biggest fight of his career. We will take you through his life from when he was eight years old till today where he stands as the undefeated Mixed Martial Arts fighter at the Karate Combat, the world's premier full contact striking league.

Early days

Shahzaib's journey from Quetta's dusty streets to the global stage of martial arts began with a childhood marked by boundless energy and a penchant for mischief. Born and raised in Balochistan's capital, Shahzaib's early years were far from conventional.

"My childhood revolved around fighting," Shahzaib recalled, a glint of nostalgia in his eyes. "I was always getting into scraps, a real handful for my family."

To channel his restless spirit into something constructive, Shahzaib's family made a pivotal decision – enrolling him in a local martial arts academy, where his elder brother was already training. It was here that his passion for combat found its spark, igniting a flame that would drive him to unprecedented heights in the world of martial arts.

"Martial arts became more than just a hobby for me; it became a passion," Shahzaib shared. "Training gave me a sense of fulfilment and joy, a purpose that resonated deep within me."

Despite his love for martial arts, Shahzaib's interests extended beyond the confines of the dojo. In his free time, he explored the depths of the Internet, voraciously consuming information about various martial arts disciplines, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge and hone his skills. “In my free time, I use the Internet and social media, I keep searching mostly about martial arts, always striving to learn and grow," Shahzaib revealed.

Yet, along with his dedication to martial arts, Shahzaib grappled with a personal challenge – his quick temper. "I get angry very quickly. It's probably the only habit my family dislikes about me," Shahzaib confessed. When confronted with anger, Shahzaib adopted a stoic demeanour, a reflection of the discipline instilled in him through years of martial arts training.


Discovery of martial arts

Shahzaib’s route into the world of martial arts was ignited by the influence of his elder brother, Balaj Masood, himself a skilled Wushu martial artist. "I was introduced to Wushu through my elder brother. Witnessing his dedication and skill ignited my interest in the sport," Shahzaib recounted.

At the tender age of eight, Shahzaib began his martial arts journey, enrolling at the Young Tigers Academy to hone his skills. "I began training at the Young Tigers Academy when I was just eight years old. From there, I joined the Balochistan team and participated in championships across the province for nine consecutive years," Shahzaib shared.

His dedication and prowess soon garnered attention, culminating in Shahzaib's remarkable achievement of remaining undefeated for many years in the All Pakistan Junior Wushu Martial Art competitions, ultimately earning him the title of National Champion.

"My journey in martial arts culminated in winning the title of National Champion," Shahzaib proudly declared. "I've had the honour of being the national champion for the past seven years."


The journey begins

Shahzaib Rind's journey into martial arts was not without its challenges, as he navigated the rugged terrain of Balochistan's training grounds with determination and resilience. "Training initially was tough," Shahzaib recalled, his voice tinged with the echoes of past struggles. "Balochistan lacked proper facilities and structure for martial arts training."

Undeterred by the lack of resources, Shahzaib forged ahead, honing his skills outdoors, often training barefoot amidst the elements. "I had to train outdoors, sometimes even barefoot, facing various challenges. But I remained committed to my goals and pushed through," Shahzaib admitted.

Balancing the demands of training with education and other responsibilities posed another hurdle for Shahzaib, one he met with firm resolve. "Balancing training with education was crucial," Shahzaib emphasised. "Education is fundamental. It not only broadens your perspective but also enhances your understanding of your sport."

Acknowledging the rapid evolution of martial arts, Shahzaib emphasised the importance of continuous learning in staying ahead in the sport. He explained that continuous learning is vital in martial arts, as the sport evolves rapidly. He prioritised both education and training to excel in his field.

Despite his dedication and achievements, one thing that Shahzaib lamented was the lack of support from the government throughout his sports career. "Throughout my entire sports career, I received no support from the government," Shahzaib revealed, his disappointment palpable. "It's disheartening because the government should prioritise providing full support and patronage to talented athletes." Shahzaib emphasised the importance of government support not only for athletes' individual careers but also for the nation's honour and prestige on the international stage.

"The absence of support not only leads to frustration but also undermines athletes' morale and dedication. It's crucial for governments to recognise the importance of supporting athletes and providing them with the encouragement and resources they need to succeed," Shahzaib stated solemnly.

Despite the lack of government backing, Shahzaib's dedication and passion for martial arts remained undiminished, fuelled by the support of his fans and the media. "When athletes experience such disregard from the government, it becomes challenging to maintain motivation to continue representing the country. But it's the support of the media and my fans that keeps me going," Shahzaib admitted.

Through perseverance and determination, Shahzaib Rind continues to defy the odds, carving his path to greatness in the world of martial arts, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Rise to prominence

Shahzaib is the #1 ranked Wushu fighter in Pakistan, boasting a combined Wushu and Kickboxing record of 75-4, the majority of which was attained while training himself from YouTube videos. His ascent in the world of martial arts was marked by a series of remarkable achievements, catapulting him to prominence both nationally and internationally.

"My journey in Wushu and kickboxing began with becoming a state champion at a young age. From there, I progressed to represent my country on the national team for about eight years,” shared Shahzaib.

During his tenure with the national team, Shahzaib's skill and determination earned him numerous accolades, solidifying his status as one of Pakistan's premier martial artists. "I earned several accolades including medals in prestigious tournaments like the South Asian Championships, West Asian Championships, Paris Cup, and many others. I held the title of national champion for a remarkable eight years,” Shahzaib recounted.

Yet, Shahzaib's journey to the top was not without its share of challenges, particularly financial constraints stemming from his modest family background. "Coming from an average family background, financial constraints were a significant obstacle for me. Martial arts is an expensive sport, requiring investments in various aspects such as diet, coaching, and training camps," he admitted.

Despite these obstacles, Shahzaib's family stood by him, providing the support and encouragement he needed to persevere. "A chance encounter during a national team training camp changed the trajectory of my career," Shahzaib revealed, a hint of coincidence in his tone. "I met a manager who happened to be the wife of Asim Zaidi, my current coach."

The fortuitous meeting led Shahzaib to Asim Zaidi, his coach in the USA, opening doors to new opportunities and possibilities. "She manages fighters in the USA and I was looking for a manager. So I got introduced to her, there she offered to help me. Despite the visa challenges from Pakistan, she worked tirelessly for nearly a year to secure my visa," he explained.

In February 2023, Shahzaib embarked on a new chapter in his martial arts journey, traveling to the USA to train under the guidance of Asim Zaidi who is a coach at the renowned Goat Shed gym in Miami, Florida. "This opportunity has been a game-changer for me. "I'm grateful for the support and guidance I've received from Asim Zaidi and his team," Shahzaib declared.

With newfound opportunities and a steadfast resolve, Shahzaib Rind continued to make waves in the world of martial arts, and soon entered the world of professional MMA fighting through Karate Combat.


Reflection and future plans

As Shahzaib reflects on his journey in the world of martial arts, he finds immense reward in the impact he's made beyond the confines of the ring. "The most rewarding aspect has been using my platform to bring both countries together," shares Shahzaib. "I've successfully fostered unity between Pakistani and Indian fans, receiving messages of support and well-wishes from across the border."

Looking ahead, Shahzaib's aspirations soar even higher, fuelled by a burning desire to etch his name in the annals of martial arts history. "My ultimate goal is to become a world champion, or at least be on the brink of achieving it. I aim to make history as the first Pakistani to claim a world championship title in martial arts," shares Shahzaib.

To continue representing Pakistan on the international stage, Shahzaib remains steadfast in his commitment to showcasing the talent and potential of Pakistani fighters. "I'm committed to showcasing the talent and potential of Pakistani fighters on the global stage," Shahzaib affirms. "By continuing to compete internationally and achieving success, I hope to elevate the reputation of Pakistani martial arts worldwide."

With a clear vision for the future and dedication to his craft, Shahzaib stands poised to carve his legacy as a pioneer in Pakistani martial arts, inspiring generations to come with his resilience, passion, and commitment to unity and excellence.

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