Andrew Huberman: National Post editorial downplays scandal

The article by National Post’s Amy Hamm follows the New York Magazine’s expose on podcaster Andrew Huberman.

The National Post’s Amy Hamm has given her two cents about the Andrew Huberman scandal.

The New York Magazine had recently published an exposé on Andrew Huberman's dating life sparking a wave of criticism, with accusations of harmful behaviour and calls for his cancellation. 

Huberman deceived six women into believing they were each in an exclusive relationship with him.

Amy Hamm believes that framing Huberman’s behaviour as a MeToo-level issue is a distortion that undermines the movement's true purpose.

She thinks Huberman's conduct, while certainly unappealing, falls into the realm of commonplace relationship missteps. 
Hamm added that focusing on his personal life distracts from the core message of his work and ignores the far more serious allegations the MeToo movement was created to address.

The National Post author said that the article in New York Magazine painted a picture of disgruntled ex-girlfriends who were surprised by Huberman's non-monogamous lifestyle.  

She highlighted that the attempt to turn Huberman's actions into a MeToo moment overlooked a crucial fact ie no accusations of assault or coercion have been made against the popular podcaster. 

Hamm was of the view that iInfidelity, while hurtful, is not in the same category as the serious abuses of power that the MeToo movement rightfully targets.

She further wrote that conflating the two ultimately harms women by diminishing the credibility of legitimate claims. 

Hamm believed that cases like Huberman's only further the damage to the MeToo movement whose reputation has already been tarnished by some incidents of excessive backlash.

The author concludes by saying that misusing the movement this way is a disservice to those who truly need its protection.


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