True Promise

Operation ‘True Promise’ by Tehran was on the cards

In a stern, lethal and well-choreographed response to Israel, Iran has nullified the myth of Iron Dome. By extensively flying ballistic missiles, UAVs and cruise missiles on the Zionist state from all the four corners of its proxies in the region, the Islamic Republic has also proved its might and influence. This tactical-cum-military calculus carried out almost after a fortnight of Israeli aggression on an Iranian mission in Damascus has literally floored the Jewish state in terms of artillery and diplomacy, and for the first time since its seven decades of existence was seen hyper-actively seeking an advice with its allies in Washington, London and Paris for a way out of the existential crisis. While Tel Aviv claims that most of the flying-in sorties were foiled, it is nonetheless clueless yet in contemplating a befitting response, and this is where a thaw is in the making.

The operation ‘True Promise’ by Tehran was on the cards. But none were sure as to how and in what modus operandi, Iran will respond. It seems Iran borrowed a leaf from Prussian military theorist, Carl von Clausewitz as it worked for over a weekend by stressing the “moral and political” aspects of waging a war, by making clear before its neighbours and the UN that as per International Law, it has every right to retaliate, and it will do so by exercising its suzerainty. Thus, after firing the artillery, it voluntarily declared that the deed had been accomplished, and promptly delivered a shut-up call to Israel by saying, it’s square-one.

As the war hysteria is about to be heard at world fora, President Joseph Biden has offered valuable advice to Benjamin Netanyahu. By urging the war-criminal Prime Minister to climb down the ladder, he has saved the day for the Mideast. It’s time for Israel to re-foment its foreign policy, and start looking inwards. Its baffling arithmetic confirms that it cannot go on to fight a war with Iran, and that too with a dozen or so proxies actively armed against it, and likewise the Arab states swearing neutrality in case of a duel. A realistic way out for the Zion leadership is to trade land with Palestinians, and wave an olive branch to the Muslim world.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 15th, 2024.

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