ANP slams Qaiser’s advice to snap ties with govt

Zahid Khan terms PTI leader's advice a 'revolt'

ANP spokesperson Zahid Khan. PHOTO: EXPRESS/ZAFAR ASLAM


Awami National Party (ANP) leader Zahid Khan berated PTI's Asad Qaiser for his recent advice to the Chief Minister of Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), urging him to sever all ties with the federal government.

The PTI central leader's counsel to K-P Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, advising him to cut off all connections with the federal administration due to anticipated non-compliance with his demands, drew a sharp rebuke from Zahid.

Qaiser's directive came following a meeting between Gandapur and Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi in Peshawar to discuss anti-terrorism strategies.

"This is my advice to the K-P chief minister that he should end all contact with the federation as it [the federal government] will not accept any of his demands," Qaiser stated while pointing out the lack of response to staffing requests and the unresolved issue of provincial arrears.

Speaking to a private news channel, Zahid termed Qaiser's advice a "revolt," expressing concern over its potential consequences and likening such sentiments to acts of disloyalty if espoused by his own party.

Read also: JUI-F, ANP shun elections of top offices

Reflecting on the developmental progress post-18th Amendment, Zahid lamented the decline in growth since PTI assumed power in 2013, highlighting the current financial strain on the provincial government, which struggles to meet basic salary obligations.

Criticising PTI's leadership, Zahid questioned the efficacy of Qaiser's directives, suggesting a lack of grassroots representation within the party's ranks. He underscored the necessity for political acumen in leadership roles, particularly in navigating intricate governmental dynamics.

“If you cut ties with the Centre, then what will you achieve? Our province will suffer,” he said, adding that the provincial government did not even have money to pay salaries at the moment. He decried that K-P was being made a “sacrificial goat”.

Reiterating the gravity of Qaiser's stance, Zahid warned of the potential imposition of the governor's rule should the situation escalate further, emphasising the need for prudent dialogue and collaborative efforts for sustainable governance.


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